The Gospel Meditated Rosaries

The Maria Valtorta Gospel Meditated Rosary Audio on Four CDs

You can listen to these audio files for free here

The first component of this Australian project, the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries was completed in December 1999. On each of the CD's, passages describing the relevant five Mysteries – visions and dictations received by Maria Valtorta from Jesus and Mary themselves – are interspersed between the "Our Fathers" and the "Hail Maries" of the 5 decades. An accompanying booklet contains the total transcripts, and like the Pilgrim’s Guide (discussed on another page of this website), it has wire binding for opening flat. The Mysteries vary in length, according to what was revealed to Maria. (As this Rosary would take considerably longer to pray than a conventional Rosary, one or two decades may be enough to pray at any one time.) The Luminous Mysteries audio and accompanying transcript booklet were added in 2002 for those who want the texts which correspond to those particular Gospel events.


(From a participant in the recording of the audio tapes:) It was a lovely experience we all shared – without a doubt praying the Rosary will never be the same… I will treasure the booklet and tapes always. Shalom.

BETTY REILLY, Chelsea, Vic.

(First impressions:) I had much driving to do yesterday and so was blessed with the Joyful Mysteries. I loved them… (Later:) I'm now listening to the Sorrowful Mysteries, and my friend Jim has listened to the Glorious mysteries - and so far, we are more than excited. We feel greatly blessed. I now have a constant Rosary going in my car - wherever I go, it is on… I really don't mind traveling by car, now that when I do, it is constant prayer time… (Later still:) I've been listening (in my car) to the Rosary, and have gone through the entire Rosary at least twice. I can't tell you what great help it affords my spiritual life.

ED FORD, Scottsdale, AZ, U.S.A.

I just had to drop you a line to tell you how well the Maria Valtorta Rosary tapes have been received here in our parish of Sale. We have used them for Rosary meditation in various Parish Cell groups and also at the two outlying churches. I think a few people have purchased their own tapes, but mine have been doing the rounds. Of course, during Lent, we concentrated on the Sorrowful Mysteries, but with the promise of praying the Glorious Mysteries after Easter. We will keep that promise in the next couple of weeks.


The tapes and booklet are a very great help to me, as I find it hard to meditate on the Rosary normally.


The meditations on the Holy Rosary… are just so beautiful. I have noticed that the more lines I pray, my soul steps into the picture, and I feel I am in that journey with Jesus and Mary. My spirit is travelling with them in every word, in every thought, in every deed, in every joy, and in every sorrow. And I feel I am giving Our Mother a little comfort by making this journey with her.


I am very grateful for the Gospel-meditated Rosary. I used the First Sorrowful Mystery at the parish Holy Hour last night (eve of First Friday), and people were touched.

FR. TOM O’NEILL S.J., Singapore.

The Meditated Rosary is so inspiring. I read the meditation booklet while saying my Rosary, and it brings it to life. Also, I sometimes listen to the tapes. The other day I listened to the Sorrowful Mysteries, and they touched me so deeply, making me long to do more for Our Lord and Our Mother… They help to bring home the full reality and horror of what Jesus suffered for us ungrateful creatures. I pray that I can show this love to all I meet in my life.

GERDA HUGHES, Mullumbimby, N.S.W.

I find the Rosary tapes wonderful - you feel as though you are there, which is how I feel reading Maria Valtorta’s books of The Poem. How truly blessed we are to have her books.

JUNE FUERY, Wodonga, Vic.


Cost: $Aust. 40.00  |  Maria Valtorta Readers’ Group  |  To order, click here



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